Ombretta Erebus

Name: Ombretta Erebus
Alias: Etta
Race: Viera
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Hair: Black with grey highlights
Eyes: Dark Grey
Occupation: Dye Merchant
Status: In a relationship.
Hobbies: Painting, whittling, and treasure hunting.


Mother - Sharlayan alchemist and researcher.Father - Unknown Sharlayan gleaner.Ombretta’s mother was on assignment to Radz-at-Han, during transport the ship was caught in a storm just off the coast and run aground. Injury led to premature labor which left mother and daughter in the critical care of the local healers.Though both recovered, neither were fit for travel, and they were taken in by their generous hosts. During recovery Ombretta’s mother became close with one of the Au Ra natives, a tailor who owned a local shop, and the three became a family unit. Over time her mother’s health began to decline once again and despite best efforts she passed five years after their arrival.The Au Ra, Meztli, adopted Ombretta as his own after her mother’s passing. There, in the vibrance of Radz-at-Han, Ombretta grew up as a tailor’s daughter. Fun filled adventures, mischievous antics and a devoted father who always made time to enchant her with fantastical storytelling and encouraged the exploration of both land and trades.

As an adult, Etta took to the stage as a dancer, more specifically a Burlesque Dancer, and performed at a lounge that catered to the elite of society. From criminals of the underworld to the highest state officials. Money and power.Exhilarating, intoxicating and dangerous.Her primary performance was artistic in style. Darkened stage, the lights nearly all extinguished, behind her would be a curtain of black velvet strung with tiny crystals that mimicked the night sky. She would use her talents with aether and would summon small orbs of light.Using the controlled illumination to highlight flesh and curves, to tease and tantalize, to be of exotic fantasy hidden in the darkness with only glimpses of what the obscurity embraced. By use of the aether her tattoos would react and glow…moving with her as art upon ebony canvas. Costumes of feathers and lace to enhance the figure in lure to the fantasy she controlled on stage.A life of luxury, attention, and comforts.Strict boundaries were enforced and one such boundary was to never become involved with a patron of the lounge. That changed when a honey-tongued midlander with charm and swagger that even she could not ignore made his presence known. Over time he managed to wear down her guards, his captivating persistence won over and Etta fell in love.Subtle, slow revealing of his true nature. A man whose possessiveness and control took over and contaminated the relationship until one day while whispering words of love he drove a dagger into her throat before running off into the night to leave Etta to choke on her own blood.

It was a neighbor that found Etta however the woman’s skillsets were only enough to keep her alive until transported to more capable hands. By that time… the damage was done.Her father, in desperation, approached a member of the ruling crime syndicate for money and placed the shop and future earnings as collateral for the finances needed for Etta’s extensive care. Placing the two in debt with an ever-growing interest rate.The physical and mental damage forced the end of her career, and security, as a dancer but allowed Etta to return to her roots in studies of alchemy and botany.After a time, she fashioned herself as a dye merchant, traveling to the various city-states to collect ingredients and sell her wares.Little-by-little the two have been making a dent in their debt, her father continuing work in the silk shop and Etta as a traveling merchant selling dyes, alchemical ingredients, regents and custom creations.But not all is as it seems….

- Studies in alchemy and botany – specializing in dyes and pigments- Time spent as a Burlesque Lounge dancer- Lover stabbed her in the neck with a dagger. Leaving a diamond-shaped scar on the right side that she hides with her hair. This injury causes her to speak mostly in hushed tones and raspy.- Critical weakness for sweet hot coffees and chai.

- Jet-black mandala tattoo on her upper back that takes on golden hues when exposed to concentrated aether. Difficult to see because of her complexion and hair.- Collects onyx & alabaster carvings of flowers.- Capable in both aether-based magics and blade but mastering in none, usually seeking higher-skilled individuals to study & learn from.

The easiest way of crossing paths with Ombretta is through her trade as it is rare for her to initiate interaction that is not work-related. When working she is often described as professional and to the point. You can often find her amongst the other merchants in the various city-states with a small stall or locate her information at the nearest market board and request a delivery.It can be difficult to meet with her socially. Strong tendency to favor small crowds or one-on-one encounters over that of nightclubs, bars and taverns. Chances increase within the regions of Thavnair as her father runs and operates a shop in Radz-at-Han which she visits frequently. There is also a listing of an apartment under her name in Ishgard where you can find her in the practice of various hobbies, at rest, or in study.Some find it difficult to see beyond first impressions of aloof or cold disposition because of her hushed voice and avoidance of crowds while others find her friendly and welcoming. The longer you stick around the more you will see of the humor, tenderness and strength of her. A strong bond of family and friends. The more at ease she is with you the more she will attempt to speak, and you’ll get anything from sarcasm and bad jokes to something of more thought, opinion and depth.Faults reside in her stubbornness, letting the past shadow over opportunities and struggle in trusting others. Forgiveness is difficult and when wronged there is a deep, cold, cruelty that can surface.

Major Hooks
Dye Merchant- Placing an order is as easy as going to the market board, finding the listed services and information, and making a request. From the common basic colors to the metallics, even reactive inks and iridescent sheens. From liquid to powdered pigments. Dyes of textiles and armors to the pigments used for canvases and household paints. All are available in bulk or in personalized deliveries where she can also customize orders in the client’s home or location of choice. However, travel is limited to sailing or airship as many components are sensitive and need to be handled with care.Alchemist & Botanist- Being a native to Thavnair, and a resident of Radz-at-Han, access to The Great Works was easily accessible and a natural calling for one as inquisitive as Etta. In time she became an accomplished alchemist and can create, supply, and adapt to a variety of situations and requests. Eagar to work alongside other like-minded individuals to taking on apprenticeships with those skilled in the art. Botany was a necessary secondary skill to develop in order to help support, source ingredients and regents, and further develop her other trades and crafts. Often leading Etta to be found out in the wilds exploring for new resources.Explosives- With the ever-increasing dept and pressure Etta expanded her business to selling explosives on the black market. With extensive knowledge in alchemy and able to source her own materials discreetly from a wide range of locations as a traveling merchant Etta was able to expand into the criminal world by providing not only raw materials but her own custom designs and potency. Securing this service is difficult. Contact for such services is initiated by a coded order of rare specialty dyes that will start the negotiation. She can make basic explosives to aether-based bombs and a variety of other hazardous concoctions however she is only the creator and seller of the products and ingredients. Etta is not for hire in the use or placement of her work.
Minor Hooks
- Creating a variety of salves and tinctures. From treating burns to antibacterial, treating minor ailments and healing remedies to be purchased alongside her other wares.
- A fondness for musicians, specifically the lute, which she is attempting to learn and will often linger to listen to others play.
- Ties a bit of string with three tiny crystals to the branches of selected trees along her travels. May find them and or have witnessed her leaving them.
- Drawn to mentors, those who enjoy teaching and have the temperament for it, as she enjoys learning and refining new and old skills.
- Working with Sharlayan gleaners in locating and collecting rare flora and shellfish for pigments.
- Robbery, Breaking and entering into her apartment or her father’s home/shop (Let’s talk).
- Searching for information and contacts of her mother, wishing to learn more of the woman and possibly of who her biological father is or was. There is a question she seeks an answer to that may help explain a recent development.
- Native to Thavnair, Radz-at-Han, where it is easy to have seen or known of the family and situation. An old childhood friend to knowing of her time as a dancer (an unknown patron, fan or rival), to a frequent customer of her father’s shop.
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Thank you for checking out my Carrd!I am over 21, female, and a casual player. Game-wise I tend to favor SMN and RDM but can play any job.RP wise, it is really based on the synergy of who I am writing with and the respect thereof. I like story and plot, depth and details, where actions have consequences, and it could change our characters in ways we never thought of. Favorable and improving or negatively and destructive.Boundaries between IC and OOC are important. Please understand that my character may do, say or act in a way that has no grounding for reality or reflection upon myself, my views, or feelings. My character is just that, a character based in fantasy and often pushed in extremes, the separation is a necessary understanding for both of us.RP can be via game or discord, can do either, though I favor multi-paragraph story writing. Enjoy the slice-of-life, heartwarming, everyday life to the more dramatic and mature storylines. Talk to me.Also, enjoy taking screenshots and can often be found …or lost in doing so.
Carrd is a WIP and subject to change.